STEP Asia Conference 2019
Investors Europe took part in the STEP Asia conference 2019 as a delegate and a networking sponsor.
The award-winning STEP Asia Conference took place on Tuesday 05 and Wednesday 06 November in Singapore with two full days of speakers, specialist breakout sessions, panel discussions and a vibrant social program ideal for developing new business opportunities. The conference welcomed more than 500 delegates from 27 countries.
Investors Europe was proudly represented by Bertrand Boulle (Founder and Managing Director), Sergey Popov (Executive Director), Ekaterina Yazvinskaya (COO) and Fabio dos Santos Boulle (Head of Front Office). The event explored the evolving wealth planning macro landscape and its significance to HNW families, trust and estate practitioners. Key topics included ‘Economic substance requirements’, ‘Regtech - technology as enablers’, ‘Family governance’ and ‘Are trusts falling out of favour’? Investors Europe always strives to stay up to date with the latest industry news and developments and this conference was a great way to achieve that. We also successfully introduced our services to a broader circle of the industry piers that were impressed with the range of provided instruments and platforms at hand.
About Investors Europe
Investors Europe was established in 2001. Today it is a cutting-edge boutique brokerage with a goal to be a “one-stop-shop” for professional investors and financial institutions globally.